Oct 15, 2013

Monica Bellucci Covers 'Prestige Hong Kong' October 2013

Monica Bellucci is gorgeous on the cover of Prestige Hong Kong‘s October 2013 issue.

Here’s what the 49-year-old actress had to share with the mag:

On being a Dolce&Gabbana muse: “To be one of their muses is an honor, and also because they think about me and I’m and adult woman. Everything is about youth today, but this is about respect. It proves they respect women.”

On being one of the world’s most beautiful women: “I think the most important thing is knowing the difference between who you are and the image that goes around. It’s important to have a distance between you and the image. You’re not the image. You’re a real woman.”

On living in different cities: “My children travel with me. They went to school in Rio De Janeiro and now… they’ll have a private teacher. They speak four languages… How can I explain it? We are gypsies.”