Nov 25, 2013

Brittany Murphy’s Mom BLASTS Murder Allegations: Speculation Is An “Insult”

Brittany Murphy’s mom Sharon has broken her silence to challenge new allegations that her daughter was poisoned and murdered.
The late actress’ father Angelo Bertolotti recently ordered new lab testing on Murphy’s blood, hair and tissue, and has voiced his suspicions that her death was the result of foul play.
But Sharon Murphy is disputing Bertolotti’s “madness,” which she calls an “insult.”
In a letter to The Hollywood Reporter, Murphy writes, “From the day of her birth, Brittany was my precious, more dear to me than anything or anyone in the universe. I have been devastated by her loss and that of my son-in-law and have remained in seclusion in my mourning.”
She continues, “I have no choice now but to come forward in the face of inexcusable efforts to smear my daughter’s memory by a man who may be her biological father but was never a real father to her in her lifetime.”
Murphy alleges, “Angelo Bertolotti has relocated to California in his old age to claim he is here for Brittany, as he never was in life. He has made outrageous statements over the past few years, culminating in this latest madness: that my darling daughter was murdered.”
“His claims are based on the most flimsy of evidence and are more of an insult than an insight into what really happened,” she writes.
Sharon Murphy goes on to explain how absent Bertolotti was during their daughter’s life, pointing out that he was in prison for 12 years, never raised her, and didn’t even see her in the last three years of her life.
She claims that his new allegations about the actress’ death are shaky at best.
“I have asked some knowledgeable people, and they tell me that an analysis from a sample of hair is not considered dependable unless it is backed up by tests of tissue and blood and other analysis — which he did not do (the coroner did, but they show no similar results),” explains Murphy. “I am also told one lab may give different results than another lab in terms of heavy metals, and the proper method requires multiple tests before any results are released.”
She adds, “A reputable expert will tell you that what this lab did is an ethical violation of the highest order; to even pretend to be able to draw such conclusions on unreliable evidence is the real crime.”
“We will never know for sure,” says Murphy of the causes of Brittany’s death. “However, we do know the Los Angeles County Coroner did extensive tests and found that she died of natural causes.”
She charges Bertolotti and his collaborator Julia Davis with sensationalizing the story “to make them money and bring them the fame they desperately crave.”
“The time has come for their false statements to be exposed and rebuked,” says Murphy.

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