Nov 9, 2013

Charlie Sheen Violates Gag Order, Threatens Judge “Anus-Brain” in Rant About Protecting Kids From Brooke Mueller

Charlie Sheen unloaded on the judge in his custody case — despite a gag order against him — in a fiery Twitter rant about his ex-wife Brooke Mueller and his concern for the well being of their young sons Bob and Max.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Brooke’s brother Scott won temporary guardianship of the four-year-old twins on Friday, and plans to move into his sister’s home.

The development means that Brooke Mueller, despite not having full custody rights, will effectively have Bob and Max with her full-time — despite allegations by Sheen and Denise Richards that the boys have become violent and out of control in her household.
An enraged Sheen took to Twitter overnight to express his disgust.
“So lemme see if I got this straight. My twin boys are now in harms way and in grave danger. Being ‘raised’ by a gaggle of incompetent and lascivious marionettes all ruled and fooled by an adderol snorting husk called Brooke,” wrote the “Anger Management” star.
Sheen then took aim at the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and the judge responsible for the decision.
He tweeted, “And guess what CPS and ‘I’m Italian’ judge anus-brain, you may have gagged me temporarily, but mark my unspoken words, anything happens to my boys, and you will know get to know me, know who I truly am, a loving father. Tag – I’m it.”
The actor wasn’t done.
“And if this means being jailed for loving and trying to protect my children, then go for it. I have as many friends on the inside as i do out here. My passion WILL NOT be silenced. You are all now standing in my way. I’d recommend a shift in your geography.”