Nov 1, 2013

Demi Moore Did NOT “Scream” at Dinner Party, Despite Made Up Story

The so-called “reporters” on the unbearable VH1 show “The Gossip Table” spouted off another made up story on Friday’s segment.
One of the poorly-informed panelists from In Touch shared a conveniently vague report published in this week’s issue, which claims Demi Moore acted like a diva at a recent dinner party in Los Angeles.

The confused reporter alleges, “Demi could not find a place to sit [at the party]… she looked panicked, she let out a scream so loud that everyone was startled and thought that something was wrong.”
Of course, the In Touch writer does not mention where this supposed party was, nor does he name any other celebrity guests that attended.
“I do believe this story,” adds the bumbling panelist.
Umm… Is that something a real journalist should have to say of his own report?
Obviously, this story is just another false rumor from the train wreck that is “The Gossip Table.”

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