Nov 1, 2013

Perri ‘Pebbles’ Reid Suing The Estate Of Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes?

On the heels of news that TLC’s former manager Perri “Pebbles” Reid is enraged over her portrayal in the the VH1 biopic, CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story, comes a rumor that Reid is suing Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes’ estate.
According to reports, Reid is threatening legal action over the matter. One website claims, “The former manager is still owed money by the deceased member, Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes. Pebbles allegedly told a VH1 correspondent, ‘Just cause she not here doesn’t mean she ain’t gotta pay what she owe; Everybody pays what they owe. Ask TLC. I honestly thought of her as a little sister …a little sister that owes me money from 1992″

But Pebbles says this is totally untrue, telling Extreme Entertainment in a statement, “In loving memory of the late Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes–My heat grieves that her name has been puled into a situation that she is unable to defend. I ask that we give her soul rest and peace, in regards to this entire situation, I have the deepest respect for her and her family,” Perri continues that the rumors circulating that she’s currently suing the estate of the late Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes are “false. “The rumors are fictitious and fallacious,” Perri adds, “I want to express my sincere appreciation to you all and solicit your continue prayers.”