Nov 19, 2013

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford: I Don’t “Remember” Smoking Crack Because I Was So Drunk (VIDEO)

Rob Ford, the Toronto mayor who admitted to smoking crack and made a series of inappropriate remarks, said he doesn’t have a drug or alcohol problem during a “Today Show” interview on Tuesday.
The disgraced politician told Matt Lauer, “We’ve all made mistakes, Matt. I’m not perfect. Maybe you are. Maybe other people are. I’ve made mistakes — I admitted to my mistakes.”
Asked about the crack smoking incident, which was captured on film, Ford said, “Show me the video.”
“Why does the video matter?” asked Lauer.
“I want to see it because I can barely remember it!” replied Ford, adding, “I was very, very inebriated.”
The “Today Show” co-host then asked Ford what would happen if Toronto was faced with a terrorist attack when the mayor was on one of his binges, to which Ford responded, “I’m very fortunate that hasn’t happened.”
Ford went on to deny he has a drinking or drug problem, saying only, “I have a weight issue.”
He also told Lauer he’s not leaving his position, despite having his political powers revoked by City Hall.
Check out the video below, and tell us what you think of Ford’s latest statements. 

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