Dec 2, 2013

Britney Spears on Gay Fans: “They’re Somewhat Girls”

Britney Spears loves her gay fans, and describes how they inspire her during a new interview posted on PrideSource.
The pop star was recently criticized for using the word “adorable” to discuss her gay admirers, and when the ensuing controversy is mentioned to her, Spears seems genuinely surprised.
“Wait, what? Who felt the other way?” she asks, going on to explain, “I would never say anything to be mean to them. I love my gay fans. Gay people are always usually my best friends in the whole world. I completely adore them.”
She tells the interviewer, “I get inspiration from [gay fans] on almost all of my songs. They’re somewhat girls, so it’s so inspiring to do stuff that they like to hear, like the cool ‘in’ stuff. Whatever I do for each record is definitely inspired by them.”
Spears thinks her new album Britney Jean may be her gayest yet.
“I would say so, yes,” she’s quoted as saying. “I just feel like it has that feeling. You can’t really put your finger on it. It just really has that feeling of… that.”
The singer says her track “Work B*tch” is a “term of endearment” inspired by her gay friends, although she sometimes has trouble keeping up with slang.
“I don’t really know that much. I mean, I hang out with gays all the time. They always surprise me. [Slang] changes weekly, you know?” she explains.
Asked whether she considers herself a gay icon, Spears responds, “I don’t know about that. But I know I do have gay fans.”
What do you think about Spears’ interview?

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