Dec 9, 2013

Kanye West: I Risk My Life Like Cop or Soldier During Concerts (VIDEO)

Kanye West says that he’s “putting [his] life at risk” when he does his stage show, and compares what he does to being a cop or soldier in a new interview.
Speaking with SaturdayNightOnline, the rapper says of his Yeezus tour, “I’m just giving of my body on stage… I’m putting my life at risk.”
“This is like being a police officer or war or something,” adds West.
He continues, “You’re literally going out to do your job every day knowing that something could happen to you… verbally, from the press bashing you, something could happen to you from people not liking you anymore… [or] you could actually slip on that stage.”
West also compares what he’s going through to the plot of The Hunger Games.
Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.