May 18, 2015

Chrissy Teigen: I Am Not A “Monster” For Tripping Woman At Billboard Music Awards

Chrissy Teigen is hitting back at online commenters who are slamming her for supposedly tripping a woman on her way up to the stage at the beginning of Sunday’s Billboard Music Awards, and seemingly not caring when the woman fell face first. At one point, as Teigen and her co-host Ludacris made their way up opposite sides of the stage, a woman who was trying to get out of the way fell over the model’s red dress. See the video below.
But after a number of online commenters laid into her not seeing if the woman was okay, Teigen took to Twitter to present her side. In a series of tweets, the Billboard Music Awards host wrote, “for the record i couldn’t even see the woman falling behind me — she stepped on my dress and i was trying not to eat sh*t.” She continued, “everyone is saying i am some sort of monster for not stopping and giving her CPR or something — she is fine, was not a big deal,” adding humorously, “she should be out of the hospital by christmas.”
Check out the video below of Teigen walking up the stairs, noticing ever so slightly the woman was on her red dress, and continuing up to the stage as the woman face-planted. Tell us whether you agree with online commenters or if Teigen wasn’t in the wrong to go on with the live show?