May 18, 2015

Diddy: Black People Are “Committing Genocide On Ourselves”

Diddy said on Instagram on Monday that black people are “committing genocide” against their own people and then “looking for scapegoats.” How comments, in turn, provoked an avalanche of backlash from fans who disagreed with him.
“For the last couple of months we have experienced a lot of injustice and wrongdoings to a community. But there is a flip side,” wrote Diddy. He continued, “Yes #BLACKLIVESMATTER ! But no one will respect us if we as a people don’t have any respect for our own black lives. We are committing genocide on ourselves. We are always looking for scapegoats.” Diddy added, “We as a people hurt ourselves more than anyone has ever hurt us. That makes no sense. We as a people including myself have to take accountability and do whatever we can do individually or together to stop the madness and realize that we are KINGS and QUEENS AND Must love ourselves and each other. I know I’m rambling a little bit. #BLACKLIVESMATTER SO AS A PEOPLE LETS PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH.!!! MAY GOD BLESS US ALL! Ii LOVE YOU!!!!!!”
The rapper included a video of a young black child saying, “When you let people try to do something positive how come nobody cares…and then when they die, all of a sudden people care about them. How come we didn’t care about them more when (they) were alive.”
Diddy’s statements stirred controversy on social media, with many fans criticizing him. Some felt that Diddy was blaming victims of violence. “I’m tired of you double agents preaching the change you want without noticing the damage yall already caused while looking down on those who are still in these situations,” said Shynjamero. “Did Puff Daddy say we hurt ourselves more than anyone else has ever hurt us?” asked @FeministaJones. “My Diddy fandom has come to an end,” said Wintana Melekin on Twitter, adding, “He sounds so foolish.” And another angry Instagram user said, “Learn your history and shut the entire f*ck up until you do.”
See the video Diddy posted below, along with his full statement on Instagram, and tell us what you think about his comments.