Sep 15, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Legally Changing Name And Gender

Caitlyn Jenner has filed papers to legally change her name from Bruce to Caitlyn, and her gender from male to female, her rep confirms to Extreme Entertainment. Jenner filed court papers on Tuesday in L.A. County Superior Court.
Jenner, however, did not provide some personal information, because she fears physical threats. Among the things that Jenner is afraid of divulging is her medical history, and she’s asking the judge to seal that and other highly confidential information.
As Extreme Entertainment has reported, the season finale of the E! docuseries “I Am Cait” featured the transgender star having an unofficial re-naming ceremony. As we also noted, a prior episode depicted Jenner learning about the difficult process of getting her name legally changed from Bruce to Caitlyn.
Earlier on Tuesday, Extreme Entertainment busted a report that claimed Jenner had already undergone gender reassignment surgery. A source close to Jenner exclusively told Extreme Entertainment it was untrue. And as denoted earlier, if and when Jenner does decide to remove her penis, it will be her business only, not that of a bunch of webloids.
Tell us what you think about Caitlyn Jenner legally changing her name and gender.