Oct 7, 2015

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez “Back On” And Caught In “Lusty Romp,” Says Magazine

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have not been recently “caught” or “busted” in an “intimate” relationship nor are they “back on,” despite a new report. Extreme Entertainment can exclusively correct the claims on the cover of a tabloid out this week. We’re told all talk of a “rebound” romance, as alleged in a new magazine story, is “100 percent not true.”
According to the National Enquirer, Affleck has been “caught getting intimate again with Jennifer Lopez.” The tabloid says it has “steamy home videos that show the red-hot lovers locking lips, embracing passionately and sharing a lusty romp in a hot tub!” What’s more, claims the magazine, is the photo stills from the video will “break the heart” of Affleck’s estranged wife Jennifer Garner.
A fake-sounding “source” tells the supermarket tabloid that once Garner sees the pictures, it will “no doubt add salt to her wounds.” The same entirely fabricated “source” adds that Affleck has been saying of his alleged involvement with Lopez, “It’s back on.”
The magazine then notes that one of the home videos it obtained shows Affleck and Lopez “hugging and kissing in front of her family and friends,” and in other footage they’re seen “locking lips while sitting in the Jacuzzi.”
There’s one BIG problem: The photos and video in the tabloid are about a dozen years old when Lopez and Affleck were dating. The stills from the video are not of them together now. Naturally, the tabloid never acknowledges in its cover story that the pictures and video are super old and from the time when Lopez and Affleck used to be a couple.
The tabloid’s report is horribly deceptive and entirely inaccurate. Extreme Entertainment exclusively debunked the magazine’s claim back in July that Lopez and Affleck were getting back together. It was not true then. And it’s not true now, even with old photos used to trick the Enquirer’s readers.

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