Jun 27, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Birthday: Watch Baptism Home Movie Video!

Khloe Kardashian is seen getting baptized in a home movie Kim Kardashian shared on Monday in honor of her sister’s 32nd birthday. Check out the video below!
The video, posted on KimKardashianWest.com, is actually of several home movies that have been put together. It begins three days before Khloe’s birth, with an extremely pregnant Kris Jenner being filmed by then-husband Robert Kardashian. He can be heard saying, “She’s barefoot and pregnant. What could be better? The baby’s going to be named Khloe.”
He then asks a 3-year-old Kim, “What if it’s a boy, Kimberly?” She answers, “Robert.” It then cuts to Jenner holding a newborn Khloe and posing for pre-baptism photos with Kim and eldest daughter Kourtney Kardashian. “Gee, you’d think the queen just had a new baby,” Robert says from behind the camera.
In an amusing moment, baby Khloe lets out a little belch. Mom and dad are then filmed standing on the church stage as Khloe is blessed. And the final clips show the family celebrating at a big party.
Kourtney, who was 5 at the time, also shared some of the footage on Twitter, tweeting, “When she came into my life…” All of the sisters also posted tributes to Khloe on their respective blogs, while Jenner posted a lengthy message on Instagram. Check out the baptism home movies below!