Feb 19, 2015

Kelly Clarkson Fat Critics Gives Singer More Confidence

Over the past years, Kelly Clarkson has been criticized for her fluctuating weight.

Clarkson, who is the heaviest she’s been in a while after giving birth to her daughter River with hubby Brandon Blackstock last June, is firing back at haters during an interview with BBC Breakfast Show on Wednesday.

Regarding the scrutiny she’s received for her appearance, the American Idol winner says, “I’ve always been confident in my talent and what I love to do, it’s never really gotten me down. How I grew up, I’ve never been super concerned with [that],” she continued. “I’ve always just worried [about] sounding great somewhere. I get destroyed if I suck somewhere. It destroys me for like, a week. If I have a bad show and then you’re like ‘oh God, they think I sound like that regularly’. That’s when I really go down the rabbit hole.”

“I think we’re beautiful creatures. We’re always held in high-esteem and I think that comes with a level of scrutiny,” Kelly explained.