Oct 6, 2015

Kanye West: “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Should Win Emmys (VIDEO)

Kanye West says in a new interview that Kim Kardashian’s TV series, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” should have won several Emmys by now, but hasn’t because reality shows aren’t respected in the entertainment industry. See the video below!
In a discussion with “SHOWstudio” as part of its “In Camera” live interview series, West reveals, “I feel proud to be in a family that has, you know, so many people breaking ground for the generations to come.” The rapper feels reality TV is “so [expletive] new of an art form,” and that “my wife and my family should’ve had plenty of Emmys by now.”
West goes on to say, “Reality shows are considered to be like rap was when the Mondrian [hotel in L.A.] wouldn’t let Run DMC and mother[expletive]ing Will Smith stay there because they were rappers.” He adds that he doesn’t understand “the idea of a reality star not being allowed into a fashion show or not being nominated for their show, even if it’s the longest running and the most popular and… everybody I know watches it.”
Tell Extreme Entertainment what you think about Kanye West pushing for “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” to get nominated for Emmy Awards.