Jun 9, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Having Baby Through Surrogate Claim NOT True

Caitlyn Jenner is NOT having a baby through a surrogate, despite a bogus webloid report. Exreme Entertainment can exclusively debunk this claim. We’re told it’s not true.
According to the repeatedly discredited RadarOnline, Jenner had been thinking about adopting a child, but has now decided to pursue surrogacy. A so-called “source” tells the webloid, “Cait wants another child desperately. She doesn’t want to completely freak out the whole family, but her own children are totally behind the idea.”
The website’s dubious source further claims, “She’s suffering from the empty nest syndrome and she really wants to experience parenting from a mother’s perspective.” The seemingly specious source adds that Jenner “wants to be as actively involved in the pregnancy as possible.” And, Jenner is supposedly fast-tracking the process because her 89-year-old mother Esther is “not well and Caitlyn really wants her to be around for the birth of her seventh grandkid,” alleges the often inaccurate site.
But Extreme Entertainment checked in with a rep for Jenner, who laughed off the webloid’s claim before insisting that RadarOnline is “clueless.” The 66-year-old reality star, who has six grown children, simply isn’t looking to have a baby at this point in her life. The webloid wouldn’t know that because it didn’t bother to fact-check its (possibly made-up) story.
Of course, we’re not particularly surprised by the webloid’s wrong report. Extreme Entertainment previously called out the outlet for falsely alleging Jenner was getting close to John Travolta, who was supposedly teaching her “how to fly planes.” This latest surrogacy claim is equally fabricated.