Jun 13, 2016

“The View” On Orlando Shooting – WATCH VIDEO

“The View” had a solemn opening on Monday in the wake of the Orlando shooting, which left 50 people dead. Watch below.
As Extreme Entertainment has reported, gunman Omar Mateen opened fire inside gay nightclub Pulse early Sunday morning. The tragedy, which was an act of domestic terrorism and a hate crime, has sent shock waves across America. And the women of “The View” had a lot to say about it on today’s live show.
In contrast to the talk show’s usual upbeat openings, in which the co-hosts walk out to enthusiastic applause, the live broadcast began with the group already seated. Wearing a tie-dyed shirt, ostensibly to show LGBT pride, Whoopi Goldberg quietly acknowledged that everyone is all too aware of what happened. She then introduced ABC newsman Brian Ross to discuss the facts of the massacre.
Raven-Symone, who is openly gay, noted, “I consider this a hate crime, then a terrorist attack, and then a horrible thing to Americans.” The former child star had the colors of the gay pride flag painted on her face, and went on to express concern about the man who was arrested en route to the Los Angeles gay pride parade later Sunday. And while Joy Behar seemed to be bothered by how easily Mateen obtained guns, Raven-Symone insisted, “It can be both homophobia and terrorism.”
Goldberg later wondered, “Is it something that we need to remind Americans — gay, straight, yellow, orange, whatever — that we have to take a look and start paying attention?” She, too, stressed that the mass shooting was a hate crime, noting, “Sometimes when you hear it’s terrorism, you say ‘okay, that’s not us.’ But this affects who you want to be as an American.”
“This hits us all. These our are brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers,” Goldberg added. After the commercial break, she and Raven-Symone became downright angry as they discussed gun control and the responses to the shooting. Check out video below.

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