Mar 6, 2012

‘Hunger Games’ Jennifer Lawrence Slams Scary Skinny Stars Like Lindsay Lohan & Nicole Richie

Good for you Jennifer Lawrence! The star who plays ‘Hunger Games’ Katniss, bashes the idea that it’s cool to pretend you have an eating disorder in her new interview with ‘Seventeen’ magazine!

In the April issue of SeventeenHunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence not only opens up about her feelings on eating disorders, but she shares how stars like Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie affected her eating habits as a young teen — and how she doesn’t think it’s cool to set a bad example.
“I remember when I was 13 and it was cool to pretend to have an eating disorder because there were rumors that Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie were anorexic. I thought it was crazy. I went home and told my mom, ‘Nobody’s eating bread—I just had to finish everyone’s burgers,’” she told the mag in the latest issue.
Jennifer also made it clear to the teen mag that she doesn’t support young girls trying to lose weight. “I’m just so sick of these young girls with diets,” the 21-year-old said. “I think it’s really important for girls to have people to look up to and to feel good about themselves.”
We love that Jennifer is so open about body image and we think she’s an amazing role model for young girls everywhere!

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