Mar 6, 2012

Miss Bahamas Anastagia Pierre: I'd Consider a Date with Prince Harry!

Anastagia Pierre wouldn't mind being Prince Harry's Bahama mama!
After coming face to face with the sexy, single prince on Monday, Pierre, who is currently crowned Miss Bahamas, has a full-blown crush.
The pair met during Harry's stop in Nassau, Bahamas -- as part of his official tour on behalf of his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee.
Once Pierre, 23, learned that she would be meeting Prince William's younger brother at The Youth Leadership Luncheon, word spread fast that she was among Harry's many female admirers.
"He was very engaging after the story had gotten out that I had a crush on him," the beauty queen tells Us Weekly. "The first thing he said to me was 'So, you are the girl that they have been talking about?' I started to blush and got a little embarrassed and told him that stories can get out of hand and he replied 'Yes, I know all about that –- they tend to sometimes -- do not worry.'"
The model, still high on her brush with British royalty, did not have one bad word to say about the 27-year-old prince, despite his past reputation of being a hardcore party boy.
"He immediately put me at ease and started asking me about my role as Miss Bahamas Universe and about the island too. Harry's great charm is that he can put you at ease, and he always maintains eye contact at all times," she swooned.
Although Harry is an eligible bachelor (he still steps out with on-again, off-again love Chelsea Davy), Pierre admits that she's in a committed relationship -- but would have no reservations about a date with him!
"I currently have a boyfriend, but if he was to call I would definitely consider going out with him or introducing him to some of my friends! Why not? He's young, single and gorgeous, too!" she gushed.

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