Apr 16, 2012

CLAIM: Mila Kunis Dating Ashton Kutcher

We know FOX is staging a “That ’70s Show” reunion, but are Kelso andJackie also rekindling their relationship in real life?
X17Online claims that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunisare “dating” after its photographers spotted the two together in L.A. on Sunday night.
The paparazzi site reports, “We saw the two furniture shopping and grabbing a sushi dinner together tonight at Asanebo in Studio city before they returned to Ashton’s new mega-mansion in the Hollywood Hills.”
One supposedly trusty X17 photographer says the pair was looking very cozy during dinner, noting, ”Ashton was touching Mila’s hand and Mila was all dressed up. She looked hot; this was definitely more than a dinner between friends — this was a full-on date!”
The webloid further alleges Kutcher and Kunis are so serious that they “have even spent the night at each others’ houses!”
Here’s what actually happened.
Kutcher and Kunis had a meal with a bunch of mutual pals this weekend, a source close to the actress tells Gossip Cop.
That’s all.
A rep for Kunis tells Gossip Cop she and Kutcher are NOT dating, noting that the actors have “been friends for a long time.”

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