Apr 16, 2012

The Avengers Projected for Enormous Opening in Pre-Release Tracking

For the fourth straight week, The Hunger Gamesis tops at the box office, but another highly anticipated movie is already making major waves in Hollywood.
The Avengers, which opens on May 4, is red-hot in pre-release tracking, with the superhero spectacular reportedly pacing ahead of both The Hunger Games and 2008 blockbuster The Dark Knight.
While it’s extremely unlikely to match all-time opening champ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (which earned $169 million in its debut), The Avengers’ marketing data suggests that it could possibly reach the $150 million mark The Hunger Games hit in its March opening.
In which case the friendly rivalry between brothers Chris and Liam Hemsworth would go into overdrive.
Liam, of course, plays Gale Hawthorne in The Hunger Games, while Chris is reprising Thor for The Avengers.
At a recent press event, Avengers co-star Robert Downey, Jr. jokingly asked Chris Hemsworth, “Don’t you feel that Liam is trying to take over your box office universe?”
“There’s a special race at the box office,” replied Hemsworth with a laugh.
Of course, all numbers being thrown around for The Avengers at this point are just (early) estimates, and we think it’s fairly safe to say that whatever happens, both Hemsworths are going to have good springs.

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