Apr 8, 2012

Zac Efron Nude Photos Leak?

Purported nude photos of Zac Efron spread like wildfire on social media sites early Sunday night.
In one picture, The Lucky One star is allegedly seen fully naked on a hotel balcony while holding a pair of swim shorts.
A second photo allegedly shows a naked Efron from the back as he stands in the balcony entryway.
But are they real?
Not exactly.
The pics have actually been manipulated to make it appear as if Efron is in his birthday suit.
The original photos, taken Saturday, show the shirtless actor wearing pants while hanging out on the balcony of his Sydney hotel.
In some shots, Efron’s outfit even shows in the reflection of the window – but that aspect was conveniently obscured by a towel in the Photoshopped version.

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