May 11, 2012

Robert Pattinson Goes Gruesome And Bizarre For French Magazine [PHOTOS]

English heartthrob Robert Pattinson covered French magazine Premiere and according to our translations, he sparked the idea to do an edgy photo shoot reenacting scenes fromDavid Cronenberg’s hit horrors “Videodrome,” “Dead Ringers” and “Scanners.” Cronenberg directed the upcoming film “Cosmopolis” where Robert plays a billionaire asset manager troubled by the people surrounding him.
“I have 5 projects lined up right now that follow the path that movie opened for me,” he told Premiere. “Before, I spent my time doubting myself. As soon as I read a script that I liked, I was working myself up, asking myself if I was good enough. Now, I tell myself: ‘F**k it! If they want to hire you, go!’”
The 25-year-old admitted he’s changed quite a bit since he started the Twilight saga. “I got older,” he said. “When I’m going in the makeup trailer, I can see all these wrinkles that appeared since then. It’s really frightening. I got fatter as well.”

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