May 11, 2012

Listen To The Ying Yang Twins Remix ‘Boyfriend’ [AUDIO]

Justin Bieber has been unstoppable with his hit track “Boyfriend” which topped the charts selling over 500,000 copies of the single during its first week in March. It also hit #1 on iTunes that morning, and has had the ladies fainting ever since.
The single has been compared to songs of hip hop sensations Justin Timberlake and theYing Yang Twins, especially. According to Global Grind, “Boyfriend” producer Mike Posner declared the Ying Yang Twins’ 2005 hit  ”Wait (The Whisper Song)” served as inspiration for the JB track.
The Ying Yang Twins have put their own autotune twist to the jam, replacing Justin’s raps with theirs, but giving the same flirty message: “I wanna be your boyfriend, I wanna be your man / He a little bitty boy, I’m a grown man / I could take you overseas, Bahamas, breeze / Damn man, you can have sex on the beach / I bet you ain’t met somebody like me / I’m the broom, you the dustpan, sweep you off your feet / You can be my woman, I can be your man / If you got a little sister / Justin Bieber wanna be her boyfriend.”

Check out the Ying Yang Twins’ remix to “Boyfriend” below!

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