Jul 13, 2012

David Letterman Maybe Spoils 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Anne Hathaway Interview (Video)

The "Late Show" host raved about the new Batman film -- maybe a little bit too much.

If Bane really does put an end to Batman, Warner Bros. may want to do the same to David Letterman.
Never one to stick to much of a script (or care much about what anyone else thinks), the late night icon was in the midst of a lively chat with Anne Hathaway about her role in the upcoming caped crusader blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises, when he let slip what could be the spoiler of the summer. After offering high praise for the final chapter in the latest Gotham saga (qualified by warning viewers about its 2:45 run time), Letterman then said, "Of course, Batman is dead in the end," a line that seemed to leave Hathaway temporarily shocked.
The pair quickly recovered, as Hathaway admonished him with an exaggerated "Daaaave" and the host laughed and swore that, no, Bruce Wayne does not perish. In fact, the Oscar-nominated actress played the entire situation quite well, telling Letterman that he had no idea the wrath he had just incurred, and issuing an apology to director Christopher Nolan.
"You know that's a whole thing, right?" she continued, nodding to speculation that the apocalyptically-marketed film, which does feature an older and once-retired Bruce Wayne and the villain that famously breaks his back, does indeed end with Batman's death.
Of course, Letterman seemed to be amused by the whole situation, and it'd be quite a leap to trust him as an authority on the movie; when Hathaway first mentioned Nolan by his first name, Letterman asked if he was "the director guy."

With The Dark Knight Rises tracking north of $160 million for its opening weekend, there's little chance Letterman's statements could hurt its box office.