Apr 2, 2013

Shia LaBeouf on Letterman: Alec Baldwin and I “Had Tension As Men” (VIDEO)

Shia LaBeouf appeared on Monday’s “Late Show with David Letterman,” and the actor opened up about his very public fight with Alec Baldwin, with whom LaBeouf was supposed to star in Broadway’s “Orphans” before things went awry.
Letterman was curious to know what exactly transpired, pointedly asking LaBeouf, “What did you do to him?”
LaBeouf explained that he and Baldwin “had tension as men. Not as artists, but as men. I think in a room, that became a hard thing to deal with, and I think that when you have tension as men, that’s tough until July.”
But Letterman wasn’t done grilling LaBeouf about the situation.

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