Jun 14, 2013

Amanda Bynes’ Drake Obsession is Getting Creepy and Weird!

Okay, Okay, you’re probably tired of hearing about Amanda Bynes’ Twitter rants about Drake, but her latest series of late-night musings has us scratching our head and even a bit concerned… FOR DRAKE!
At 2:30 a.m. Friday morning, Amanda tweeted:
“You know you’re in love with someone when you don’t want to go a minute without talking to them or seeing them”
A short time later, she followed up with:
“Everybody’s made for someone. You’re lucky if you find them or they find you.”
It seems clear that the disturbed former child star has come full circle with Drake, who she once wanted to, “murder her vagina,” and most recently has ranted about how “ugly” he is.  Amanda ended the night with an apology tweet:
“I’m sorry about the tweets I said about @Drake I didn’t mean what I said. I hope to become friends with him instead of smashing him!”
 Oy vey!