Sep 12, 2013

Ariel Winter’s Mom: I’m Not A Monster

Crystal Workman, the mother of Modern Family star Ariel Winter, is breaking her silence on the custody battle over her famous daughter, Extreme Entertainment is reporting.
Crystal, who lost temporary custody of her 15-year-old daughter, is back in court later this month hoping to regain permanent custody.

In court documents, Winter accused her mother of “slapping,” “pushing,” and “hurting” her.
Now, Crystal is announcing those charges on Inside Edition.
She says she has never physically abused her child. And, when asked if she emotionally abused Ariel, Crystal said,  “Never. If emotional abuse is, ‘You cannot have your boyfriend on top of you.’ That you cannot do those kind of things, I don’t think that’s emotional abuse.” Crystal says that she caught Winter lying on a bed — but not having sex — with her then 18-year-old boyfriend, actor Cameron Palatas.
Crystal says she’s being portrayed as a monster and “it’s just so unfair.” She adds, “I’m like every mother in America. When I have to reprimand my child, I do.”
The troubled mom says she hasn’t seen her daughter in a year. Ariel is currently under the temporary custody of her older sister Shannelle Gray.