Sep 16, 2013

If You Don’t Like Miley’s Style, You Probably Just Don’t Understand It

Miley Cyrus is all grown up … sorta.
It seems the former child star has gone out of her way as of late (VMA performance, anyone?) to let both her handlers and the world know that she is calling the shots.

"I told my label: 'This is the first time I'm showing you what I'm bringing to the table as an artist,'" the 20-year-old Harper's Bazaar cover girl tells the mag about her video for "We Can't Stop" (which includes Miley dancing with giant plush toys and kissing an oversized doll). "If this goes wrong, you never have to trust me again. I'll be your little puppet. But if I'm right, then you know I'm on to something."
But that doesn't mean she doesn't expect some haters. Reflecting on how Pharrell Williams encouraged her styling for the controversial video, Cyrus explains, "I feel like every girl is trying to have a beauty shot and prove that they're 'fashion.' But I can be in white leggings and a sports bra and I'm on a whole other level of sh-- that those girls don't even get yet because they don't know how to do it."
In other words, if you don't like her style, it probably just means you don't understand it. But Miley also revealed that there are, in fact, moments when even she is hit with how surreal her reality actually is.
"I was an adult when I was supposed to be a kid. So now I'm an adult and I'm acting like a kid," she quips. "There are times when I'm sitting in my ole house and I'm like, 'I can't believe I'm allowed to be here alone.'"
To her credit, Miley certainly has an interesting relationship with fame and money, since even though she earned both in her own right at an early age, she still would've had a swanky setup even if she hadn't. "My parents always had money, and I've always been around this industry," she muses before adding, "So I didn't have my mind blown or become obsessed with being famous."
Still, it didn't hurt to try. "When I was growing up, I didn't even notice that I started making all this money," she confesses. "There's something about new money that makes people change. But I never did not have [money]. So when I got it, I didn't become obsessed with having it."
She may not be consumed by fame and fortune, but she does come across as a young woman eager to find her place in the world — who doesn't sound like she's found it just yet. When asked about the status of her wedding to fiancé, Liam Hemsworth (with whom she has a seemingly rocky relationship, and just stopped following on Twitter this past weekend), Miley admitted that the nuptials may be on hold for awhile.
"I definitely don't have time to deal with a wedding right now. But I will at some point," she says.
Whether to groom is Liam or not, something tells us she'll take that plunge when she's good and ready ... and not a moment sooner.
The October issue of Harper's Bazaar hits newsstands on September 24.