Oct 17, 2013

'Glee' Ending After Sixth Season, Says Creator Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy has reportedly said that Glee will not return after its sixth season, Variety reports.

“The final year of the show, which will be next year, was designed around Rachel and Cory/Finn’s story. I always knew that, I always knew how it would end,”Ryan said, admitting that Cory Monteith‘s tragic death factored heavily into the decision. “I knew what the last shot was, he was in it. I knew what the last line was, she said it to him.

 So when a tragedy like that happens you sort of have to pause and figure out what you want to do, so we’re figuring that out now.”

Glee‘s fifth season will return from hiatus in November.

ARE YOU SAD to see Glee ending after its sixth season???

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