Sep 8, 2014

Jenny McCarthy Joins Drew Carey With $10,000 Reward To Find Teens Behind Sick Ice Bucket Assault On Autistic Boy

Jenny McCarthy is as outraged as Drew Carey about some sick high school teenagers, who perpetrated adespicable “Ice Bucket Challenge” prank in Bay Village, Ohio, where they doused a 14-year-old autistic boy with urine and feces instead of water.
Like the “Price Is Right” host, McCarthy is offering a $10,000 reward to bring those teens to justice.
The vile assault was captured on video and posted online, quickly generating national disgust against the unidentified group of students who thought it would be funny to abuse their classmate.
First Carey offered $10,000 on social media, and now McCarthy, whose son Evan is autistic, has also  stepped up on Twitter with her own $10,000 reward, and the hashtag “#justice.”
As of now, these perpetrators — no, animals — have not been caught.