Oct 6, 2015

“The View” Debates Kardashians As “America’s First Family” (VIDEO)

The View” co-hosts debated the Kardashians and Jenners controversially being dubbed “America’s First Family” on the cover of Cosmopolitan’s November issue. Some had a real problem with it, while others didn’t understand why it was even an issue. See the video below.
Paula Faris felt that calling the Kardashians “America’s First Family” is more of a “problem with society,” and how people put celebrities on a pedestal. She noted, “They’re successful in their own right, but we’re giving them too much attention, and then our children are now looking up to the Kardashians instead of the actual real family, the First Family in the White House.”
But Raven-Symone expressed that the Kardashians are like “really good candy” that you “just can’t get enough of, even though you know it’s bad for you.” She added, “It’s an addiction we have.”
Joy Behar, however, said the comparison shouldn’t be taken so literally or seriously. “I don’t think people are saying they’re more interested in them than the Obamas.” After calling the Kardashians a “diversion,” Behar said it’s possible to be “interested in Obama and Kim Kardashian at the same time.”
As Extreme Entertainment previously reported, for the 50th anniversary of Cosmopolitan, the editors of the magazine put family matriarch Kris Jenner on the cover with her five daughters,KimKhloe, and Kourtney Kardashian, as well as Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Superimposed over the photo of the six women in white tops are the words “America’s First Family.”
It has stirred a debated from coast-to-coast about whether or not likening the Kardashians to the Obamas is disrespectful to the nation’s actual First Family. As Extreme Entertainment noted, on Monday, even vocal Obama detractor James Woods tweeted of the Kardashians’Cosmopolitan cover, “God knows I have my political differences with President Obama, but his family are America’s First Family, period.”
Watch the video below of the women of “The View” debating the magazine’s cover calling the Kardashians and the Jenners “America’s First Family,” and tell Extreme Entertainment what you think.

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