Mar 17, 2015

Tess Boyer Friends: We Just Want To Hear From Her And “Won’t Interfere” With Family

Tess Boyer has not been seen or heard from by her friends for 18 days, and even though her father, Pastor Roy Boyer, exclusively told Extreme Entertainment that the former “Voice” contestant is “fine” and “not missing,” her friends are still concerned. Boyer’s pal Siri Palm reached out to Extreme Entertainment because she says her friend “dropped off the face of the earth.”
Palm says she and her friends, including former “Voice” contestant Bria Kelly, simply want to hear from Boyer herself that she’s gone “off the grid,” and promise they “will respectfully not interfere” with the Boyer family. Palm and other friends became alarmed when Boyer stopped attending classes at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, even though she’s a few months away from graduating.
She also notes that Boyer has shut down her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and her phone no longer receives messages. According to Palm, Boyer gave no prior indication to her, her friends, or the guy she has been seeing that she was planning on becoming unreachable.
Palm alleges that a college classmate and friend of Boyer’s named “Matt” went to her home after she missed school for a couple of days and was told by the former “Voice” contestant’s brother to get off the property. Palm says she and others, including Bria Kelly, have been “working with lawyers” and are trying to get the police to make a “welfare check” at the Boyer residence to make sure Tess is all right.
The group of friends even got the phrase #FindTessBoyer” to trend on Tuesday. Extreme Entertainment reached out again to Pastor Boyer about possibly making his daughter available to her friends to ensure them that she’s okay, but we have yet to hear back from him.