May 19, 2015

Bruce Jenner: “The Little Thing Down There” Will Be Last Surgery I Do (VIDEO)

Bruce Jenner says surgery on his penis, or “the little thing down there,” will be the last procedure he undergoes in his transition from male to female. Watch below.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Jenner opened up about his transformation in emotional discussions with his family showcased on Sunday and Monday’s “Keeping Up with the Kardashians: About Bruce” special. In the second part seen on Monday night, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian had a lot of questions about the physical aspect of Jenner’s changes, and at what point he’s no longer considered a guy.
“So, you don’t have a surgery to remove that,” Kardashian asked about the male genitalia, “and then that means you’re a woman?” Jenner answered, “The little thing down there? That’s kind of the last thing you can do. You can do an awful lot before that.” At the time this was filmed earlier this year, Jenner revealed he did not yet have an appointment for such an operation.
The episode also featured an extremely tense conversation between Jenner and ex-wife Kris Jenner, who was angry at him for hiding his gender identity issues from her. The two sparred over the deterioration of their marriage and the aftermath of their split, each accusing the other of bad treatment. When he acknowledged coming to clear to her was the “toughest” of the talks he had to do, a crying Kris shot back, “Maybe it’s because I’m the one you lied to the longest.”
“I just miss Bruce. It’s gonna take a minute for me to mourn that relationship,” she told him. Still, Kris said, “Live the happiest life you can live. That’s all I care about. That you’re going through all of this for an amazing outcome. And that you can find the peace that you’ve been searching for. You were a great dad, a great friend, a great partner. At the end of the day it’s not about my feelings.”
Jenner apologized to his former wife, and told her, “I still want to be part of your life. I want you to be part of my life. Wonderful times, wonderful memories. I don’t just want to throw that out. I still love you, baby.” Check out the clips below.