Jun 8, 2016

Malevo “America’s Got Talent” Audition Video: Watch “Magic Mike Of Argentina”

Malevo, the “Magic Mike of Argentina,” blew away the judges on Tuesday’s “America’s Got Talent.” Check out the video below!
The group consists of men aged 17 to 42, and when they took the stage, it really wasn’t clear what they had in store. Then came the drumming. And the tapping. And the WHIPPING!
All together it was a full-on performance routine, with the leather-clad guy also showing off some skin. The notoriously hard-to-please Simon Cowell even said, “I thought that was incredible. Really. This could be like Riverdance, Part 2. I thought as an act it was exciting, memorable, different. I loved it.”
Mel B exclaimed, “You were men up there…Powerhouse men!” Heidi Klum amusingly admitted, “I love all your shirts that are unbuttoned. It was very hot. It was very exciting.” And Howie Mandel noted that after so many seasons, “It’s hard to impress us.”
He went on, though, “That being said, we are all so impressed… I love what you did.” Perhaps needless to say, Malevo then received four yesses. Cowell also added after the act left the stage, “I actually am excited at that potential.”
The guys were pretty excited, too… and in tears. What would Channing Tatum think? Watch below!

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