Jun 8, 2016

Musicality “America’s Got Talent” Audition Video: Chicago Choir Sings One Direction

Musicality, a choir of high school students, amazed with a One Direction cover on “America’s Got Talent” on Tuesday. Watch below!
The group is based on the southwest side of Chicago, where they’re relegated to rehearsing in their school’s stairwell. Motivated by their director Michael, the students (aged 15 to 18) have become like “family.” And now was their chance to prove that their rough everyday life can’t stop them from showing their talent.
Musicality boldly chose to sing One Directon’s “Night Changes” in front of Simon Cowell, who put the band together on “The X Factor.” They pulled it off beautifully, and the young singers were in tears at the positive reception. “I loved it. Your heart was really into it,” Howie Mandel said afterward. Then, referring to their rehearsal space, he joked, “I think after tonight you’ve taken a couple steps up.”
Mel said the harmonies “literally sent chills down my spine,” and observed, “You really want this.” Pointing to Cowell, Heidi Klum noted, “I thought this was a very smart move singing One Direction.” She added, “You really blew my mind with this.”
And Cowell himself called the song choice “brave.” He went on, “As you hit the middle, I suddenly got what you guys are all about. What you’re doing, I really think it’s important.” He further told Michael, “What you’ve done is incredible.”

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