Nov 20, 2013

Alex & Sierra Get Standing Ovation for One Direction’s “Best Song Ever” on X Factor

Alex & Sierra received a standing ovation for their reworked version of One Direction’s “Best Song Ever” on Wednesday’s “X Factor.”
The couple turned the up-tempo hit into a romantic, slow ballad, bringing Demi LovatoKelly Rowland and Simon Cowell to their feet.
“I think you guys should be really proud of yourselves,” Rowland told them.
Lovato said, “I think this was your best performance yet.”
“I’m actually gonna go home and download [your song] on iTunes tonight because I love that so much,” she added.
And mentor Cowell called his act’s rendition “a brilliant, brilliant performance,” saying that it stands far above what the prior contestants did because it could be “a record” right now.
“You carry on like this, guys, you have serious chance of winning this show,” he declared.
Check out the video below!

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