May 28, 2016

Kanye West Studio Office Robbed

Kanye West’s studio office was robbed earlier this week, with the unknown suspect making off with $20,000 worth of laptops and desktop computers.
West has an office in a Calabasas building, which he uses as a creative studio. In the overnight hours between Monday and Tuesday, the studio’s door was allegedly pried open. On Tuesday, the missing items were discovered and the police were called.
While the investigation hasn’t turned up the missing devices and no culprit has been identified, the working theory is that the perpetrator is someone who knows West and was familiar with what he kept in the office. That said, it’s not believed any music material or personal information was obtained thanks to security protections on the laptops and desktop computers. West’s team has also already replaced the items.
Oddly, this is the third time in recent weeks that someone in the extended Kardashian-Jenner clan has been victim of a robbery said to be an inside job. As Extreme Entertainment reported, earlier this month it was reported that someone made off with $200,000 in cash and jewelry from Blac Chyna’s home safe safe, with the robbery discovered by Rob Kardashian. Then just last weekend, it was revealed luxury watches were stolen from Disick’s home while he was out of town.
In both those cases, as in West’s, it was said the thieves likely knew how to find the goods. All that said, there’s no indication at this time that the three robberies are actually connected.