Mar 2, 2012

Rihanna Wants Out Of The Dating Scene

Rihanna says she’s tired of being single: she wants to be in a relationship.
“I am a single lady. This is not something I enjoy. Single life is so overrated. You always want to be single when you are in a relationship but trust me it is no bueno (good).

“I have such incredible experiences in my life, but you don’t want to live your life and then meet someone, you want to share your life with someone. I feel like that is what I am missing right now.”
I can see that. Rihanna knows men may be intimidated by her fame.
“Yeah but in that case they are probably not the right one because I can’t do that. I’d love to date somebody cool, fun, funny.”
I’m sure she can find someone who fits the bill! But, sometimes you’ve gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Just don’t do anything desperate.

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