Mar 17, 2012

Selena Gomez Chooses To Be With Fans Over Work — She’s So Sweet

Even though she was busy shooting ‘Spring Breakers,’ Selena Gomez took time to meet a fan and her four-year-old son. She’s such a class act!

Selena Gomez knows how important her fans are to her career and she never forgets to show them her thanks — even when she’s busy on set. In fact, the 19-year-old actress was shooting Spring Breakersin Florida March 13, when she came over to introduce herself to a mom and her son, who had been watching for hours — and even risked getting in trouble by her boss!
Derisa Tuttle drove an hour with two of her six kids from her hometown in New Port Richey to St. Petersburg, Florida, where she heard the cast was shooting, with the hopes of meeting Selena’s boyfriend Justin Bieber. Sadly, that didn’t happen, but after five hours of watching the Spring Breakers, Derisa and her kids were walking away when Selena finally made contact!
“My son waved at her, and she waved back. I thought it was so cute, but we continued walking, because our chances seemed small of meeting her,” Derisa wrote in a blog post.
“That’s when it happened: Selena Gomez broke away from filming and came over to us. She went immediately to my little one and said that he was so cute!”
Selena even took a photo with Derisa and her son, despite the crew yelling at her come back and focus on working.
“I am now a true fan, and not because of Wizards of Waverly Place or because she is dating Justin Bieber,” Derisa says. “I’m a fan because she made me, a mom of six, know that in all the business and statuses of Hollywood, there are people who take time out to notice cute kids from New Port Richey, Florida.”
She adds, “She’s someone who’ll take time to talk to 17-year-old girls who adore her. She’s someone who’ll get yelled at by her employers, just so she can take a picture with a mom who’s come from far away to see the glamour of Hollywood in St. Pete Beach.”

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