Jun 9, 2016

Prince Harry Getting Hair Plugs?

Prince Harry is NOT “considering getting hair plugs as he battles his thinning hair,” despite a report. Extreme Entertainment can bust this silly story.
According to OK!, “Prince Harry isn’t wasting any time when it comes to finding a fix for his thinning hair,” and “the royal has tried several new treatments so far! Harry is trying to be as proactive as possible while tending to his disappearing locks.”
“Harry’s not really the vain type, but he’s definitely worried about losing his hair,” a so-called “palace insider” is quoted as saying. “It’s started thinning on the top, so he’s been trying all kinds of different treatments, from daily scalp massages to Propecia.” But after all that, OK! and its supposed source actually downplay the situation.
The tabloid writes, “Despite Harry’s concerns about his hair, he realizes his situation isn’t as serious as his brother Prince William’s.” And the snitch adds, “It’s definitely making a difference because he’s nowhere near as bad as William was at his age, but Harry’s vowed to get hair plugs if it gets to that point. He’s still on the hunt for his princess so he wants to maintain his heartthrob status for as long as he can!”
At this point, Extreme Entertainment would like to pause to recall some of OK!’s recent history when it comes to Prince Harry. Around this time last year, the magazine falsely said the royal was engaged to Cressida Bonas. That was followed this past December by a report wrongly claiming he was “secretly dating” Pippa Middleton.
In April, the outlet had another “secretly dating” report, this one linking Prince Harry to Juliette LaBelle. And then just this week, the publication alleged Prince Harry was “moving to America,” where he hoped to find a bride. In other words, after three separate stories claiming he was taken, OK! suddenly decided Prince Harry was “still on the hunt.”

And yet the moving story didn’t mention the hair plugs issue, and the hair plugs article didn’t mention anything about moving… and they were published on back-to-back days! So when the tabloid says it has a “palace insider,” Extreme Entertainment can’t help but laugh. When we stop laughing, we investigate. And we’re told this hairy tale is pure “rubbish.”

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