Sep 7, 2014

Drew Carey Offers $10,000 Reward To Find Teens Behind Sick Ice Bucket Assault On Autistic Boy

Drew Carey is offering a $10,000 reward to find the teenagers involved in a horrible Ice Bucket Challenge incident in which a 14-year-old autistic boy was doused with urine and feces instead of water by his sick high school peers.
The despicable prank (assault, really) was perpetrated in Bay Village, Ohio, near Carey’s native Cleveland.
It was captured on video and posted online, quickly generating national outrage against the unidentified group of students who thought it would be funny to abuse their classmate.
When Carey caught wind of what happened, he was horrified.
“Just saw this. Horrendous. These kids should be arrested and expelled,” he tweeted on Friday, along with a link to a news story about the incident.
Carey continued, “If the Bay Village PD wants to start a reward fund to find who did this, contact me. I’ll donate $10k.”
Carey also promised to donate to Autism Speaks in light of the incident.
As of now, the perpetrators have not been caught.